We're just 2 crazy sister's who had crazy parents that named us day's of the week. One of us has been book blogging for over 6 year's. After reading many different books and arguing who's book boyfriend was better. One of us convinced the other to start a book blog called #WhyChoose. Because honestly why does one book boyfriend have to be better than the other? Or why do you only need to have one?

Thursday, February 4, 2021

Royal Mess {Book Review}


Title: Royal Mess

Series: Devil's Knights 2nd Generation #3

Author: Winter Travers

Release: January 29, 2021

Genre: MC Romance


Rash decisions.

Deadly consequences.

Marco Banachi has some explaining to do.

My Review:

So this book picks up right off from where Riding the Line, Frost and Indiana's story leaves off, so if you haven't read that one yet I would suggest at least reading that one beforehand, or you may be a bit confused.

Let's start with Marco. If you don't know or don't remember who Marco is, he is Fayth's son and Slider's "Adopted" son. He's not really a part of the Knights, but lived with them for awhile. Though he went back to live with his Uncle Leo, Fayth's brother, to take over the Banachi business once his Uncle steps down. I really liked Marco and I loved his relationship with the Knights, it actually made me laugh.

Now to Royal, she was Grit's sister, Indiana's best friend, and now pregnant with Meeks son's baby and on the run. I liked Royal, I have to say there were times I was like, "Yes," this girl has a backbone and she kinda reminded me of Meg. Than there were times I rolled my eyes at her.

I have to say that in the first two books I complained about there not being enough family interaction or family connection. Look I'm not complaining, cause this book has plenty of it and I think makes up for the lack of it in the other two books. But I have to say there was almost too much family interaction, so much so that I almost forgot this book was about Marco and Royal.

I also I have to say that there were some revelations made about who or why the girls that were at the club were still being murdered, even though they were supposed to be protected there. Also I have to say that by the end of the book I had been more invested in Bristol and who ever she is sneaking around with.

I'm giving this book 4 Stars outta 5 and can't wait for Bristol and whoever's story!!!

Disclaimer: I received an ARC of this book from Enticing Journey Book Promotions for my honest review. The opinions in this post are 100% #WhyChoose Book Boyfriend Book Blog's and may differ from others.

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